Submitted by Erin Nel on

We’ve got good news and great news. 

The good news is that after a long hiatus, events and exhibitions are officially back!

Which brings us to the great news… 

Submitted by Erin Nel on

Recently, the UK Government has announced that hauliers serving cultural events, music concerts and sports will be able to move their goods and vehicles freely between Great Britain, the EU and the rest of the world from late summer, 2022. 

Submitted by Erin Nel on

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, the week aims to raise awareness around mental health issues. For 2022, the theme of the awareness event is loneliness. 

Submitted by Erin Nel on

On the 28th of April 2022, the Minister for Brexit Opportunities and Government Efficiency announced that the new controls for EU-UK movements, which were previously due to take effect on the 1st of July 2022, have been delayed until further notice.

Submitted by Erin Nel on

Plastic packaging can consist of many different components.